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Showing 1 to 17 of total 17 results
These Scissors contain tungsten carbide inserts for increased strength and durability. Their super sharp blades help in achieving a smooth and fast dissecting process. Here are some of them:
• Mayo Dissecting Scissors
• Lister Bandage Scissors
• Littauer Stitch Scissors
• Iris Scissors
These scissors have razor-sharp blades and black and golden ring handles.
Metzenbaum Scissors Curved Super Sharp are made for cutting and dissecting delicate tissues. The cur ...
Lister Bandage Scissors feature super sharp tungsten carbide inserts, and they are made to cut and r ...
Mayo Dissecting Scissors Super Sharp Tungsten Carbide Curved have German stainless material. Besides ...
Tungsten Carbide Super Sharp Metzenbaum Scissors are made for cutting and dissecting delicate tissue ...
Littauer Stitch Scissors Super Sharp Tungsten Carbide is suitable for cutting and removing the sutur ...
Iris Scissors Super Sharp Tungsten Carbide is used in several eye surgeries. These scissors come in ...
Mayo Dissecting Scissors Super Sharp Tungsten Carbide Straight is made for dissecting the tissues in ...
Stevens Tenotomy Scissors are perfect for delicate dissection and cutting. The scissors have various ...
Stevens Tenotomy Scissors are perfect for delicate dissection and cutting. These scissors are availa ...
Super Sharp Tungsten Carbide Operating Scissors has a versatile nature, and it comes in several vari ...
These specially designed scissors are commonly used for dissecting and cutting delicate tissues. The ...
Stevens Tenotomy Scissors consists of tungsten carbide inserts and German stainless material. The sc ...
Strabismus Scissors are commonly used in strabismus treatment. These scissors have German stainless ...
These specially designed Metzenbaum scissors are used for dissecting and cutting delicate tissues. B ...
This special type of Metzenbaum scissors is used for deep tissue dissection. It features one sharp a ...
This ergonomically designed Metzenbaum scissors instrument is used in various surgical procedures fo ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).