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Uterine Tenaculum Hooks and Extractors are used to steady the cervix during or remove the Inta Uterine Pessaries during gynecological procedures. Here are some of them:
• Uterine Tenaculum Hook Angle
• Mathieu I.U.D. Removal Forceps
• I.U.D. Extractor hook
• Emmet Uterine Tenaculum Hook
These hooks are autoclavable. They can withstand high temperatures and environmental pressures.
Uterine Tenaculum Hook is generally used to steady the uterus or cervix during an intrauterine devic ...
Mathieu I.U.D. Removal Forceps for I.U.D. Removal during gynecological procedures. These forceps mul ...
I.U.D. Extractor Hook is used designed for I.U.D. Removal during gynecological procedures. It has mu ...
Uterine Tenaculum Hook Curved is generally used to steady the uterus or cervix during an intrauterin ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).