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Showing 1 to 3 of total 3 results
Mouth and Throat Suction Tubes are used to remove vomit, secretion, and other liquids from the nose and throat. They come with a curved profile, a fluid collection tube, and a sturdy handle.
Here are some of the types:
• Yankauer Suction Tube
• Andrews Pynchon Suction Tube
• Pynchon Suction Tube
You can also get a suction tube replacement tip separately.
Yankauer Suction Tube is also known as an oral suctioning tool and is widely used in various medical ...
The Andrews Pynchon Suction Tube is an amazing surgical instrument used to remove fluids and debris ...
Yankauer Suction Tube Replacement tip is widely used during oral suctioning procedures. The tips hav ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).