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Showing 1 to 4 of total 4 results
Surgical probes are used to explore the surgical site. They are ideal for manipulating tissues and identifying nodes. They are used in dental surgical procedures for checking the periodontal pockets. Here are some of them:
• Probe with Eye
• Double Ended Probes
• Probe with Eye Sterling
• Williams Lacrimal Probe
• Probe Straight with Myrtle Leaf
These probes are also used in neurosurgery and oculoplastic surgery for various purposes.
Probe With Eye is used in many surgical procedures, including manipulating tissues and exploring ope ...
Double Ended Probes are used to enter the small openings in the body to measure the size or depth. T ...
Williams Lacrimal Probe is used the instrument during oculoplastic procedures. This probe is availab ...
Probe straight with Myrtle Leaf end 5” is used to access the surgical areas during most surgical p ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).