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Cardiovascular and Thoracic Scissors are used for cutting blood vessels and delicate tissues. They are used in procedures related to the chest, lungs, and heart.
Here are some of the types:
• Debakey Potts Scissors
• Potts Smith Scissors Angled
• Thorek Scissors
• Potts Smith Scissors Delicate Angled
These scissors have sharp blades that allow a precise cutting of tissues. Some are also available with angled blades for deep tissue dissection.
Debakey Potts Scissors consists of a streamlined body, and it has a lightweight structure. Besides, ...
Potts Smith Scissors Angled are made for doing incision and vascular cutting in cardiothoracic surgi ...
Thorek Scissors are used for blunt dissection of the softer tissues, and it contains German stainles ...
Potts Smith Scissors is made to assist in cardiothoracic surgical practices. As well, you can use it ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).