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Showing 1 to 30 of total 30 results
Operating Scissors are used for cutting sutures, dressings, and dissecting biological tissue. These surgery scissors have straight or curved blades. GerMedUSA Inc. offers a variety of operating scissors:
• Blunt Operating scissors
• Sharp SurperCut Operating scissors
• Tungsten Carbide Operating Scissors
Our operating scissors are specially made with german stainless material, available in a wide range of shapes, length and tip sizes.
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Points Curved are used to assist in several medical practices, and it ...
Operating Scissors Blunt Straight is made to assist in several surgical procedures, and it has Germa ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Points Straight is used in many surgeries, and they are built with Ge ...
Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt Curved are used in several surgeries, and it is available in several ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp Straight is made to assist in several surgical procedures, and it fea ...
Operating Scissors are made to assist in several surgical procedures, and it features sharp ends wit ...
Operating Scissors Supercut is suitable for dissection and cutting on a routine basis. This instrume ...
Operating Scissors are made with German stainless material, and they have a curved pattern. In addit ...
Operating Scissors SuperCut Sharp Blunt Points Straight are used for cutting tissues from the human ...
Operating Scissors SuperCut Sharp, Blunt Points Curved are made to cut soft tissues in several surgi ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Curved Tungsten Carbide is suitable to cut delicate tissues. It has G ...
Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt Curved Super Sharp - Tungsten Carbide has blunt ends for easier tissu ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp Straight Tungsten Carbide is made to cut soft tissues in several surg ...
Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt Straight - Tungsten Carbide is made for cutting soft tissues in sever ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp Curved Tungsten Carbide is made to cut the soft tissues in several su ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Straight Super Sharp - Tungsten Carbide is used to cut the tissues on the s ...
Super Sharp Tungsten Carbide Operating Scissors has a versatile nature, and it comes in several vari ...
Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt Curved Tungsten Carbide is made for cutting soft tissues in several s ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Curved Super Sharp - Tungsten Carbide is manufactured with a highly u ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Straight Super Sharp - Tungsten Carbide is made for cutting the tissu ...
Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt Straight Super Sharp - Tungsten Carbide are made for cutting the tiss ...
Operating Scissors SuperCut Sharp/Sharp Curved are made for cutting and dissection of tissues in sev ...
The Operating Scissors Tungsten Carbide comes in a straight pattern, and it features blunt or sharp ...
Operating Scissors SuperCut, Blunt Blunt Point Straight is made to cut tissues from the surface or i ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp Curved Super Sharp - Tungsten Carbide is made for cutting the tissues ...
Operating Scissors SuperCut Sharp, Sharp Straight is made for cutting delicate tissues. These scisso ...
Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt Straight Tungsten Carbide is suitable for cutting the delicate tissue ...
Operating Scissors SuperCut Blunt Blunt Point Curved is made to cut soft tissues in several surgical ...
The Operating Scissors Supercut is made for dissection and cutting procedures. It comes in several p ...
The Wagner Scissors Straight 12cm Sharp Blunt is a versatile tool for cutting soft tissues without c ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).