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Wagensteen Needle Holder is used in surgical procedures for holding and guiding fine suturing needles through various tissues.
Here are some of the features:
• Tungsten Carbide Inserts
• Finger-ring Handle
• Ratchet Lock Mechanism
• Cross-serrated Jaws
Environmental changes, cleaning, and sterilization do not affect the body of the tools. This tool should be cleaned and sterilized properly before using it again for another surgical procedure.
Wangensteen Needle Holder is an incredible surgery instrument used for unequaled control while sutur ...
Wangensteen Needle Holder is used to hold fine needles during a wide range of medical approaches. It ...
This quick-release special NeoGrip needle holder helps drive the fine suture needles. This NeoGrip s ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).