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Showing 1 to 5 of total 5 results

Eye Keratomes are used to cut the corneal tissue to get access to the internal components such as iris, lens, etc., during an ophthalmic surgical procedure.

Here are some of the types:
•    Grieshaber Type Keratomes
•    Jaegar Keratomes
•    Wiener Keratomes
•    Berens Keratomes
•    Castroviejo Keratomes

They come with a sharp triangular blade that provides a neat and precise cutting action.

Jaeger Keratomes

Jaeger Keratomes

Jaeger Keratomes are used in ophthalmic procedures to make incisions in the corneal tissue. Thus, th ...

Multiple buying options, see details to choose according to your needs.
Castroviejo Keratome 13X4mm

Castroviejo Keratome 13X4mm

SKU: G18-305

Availability: In Stock

Castroviejo Keratome is used in ophthalmic surgeries to make incisions in the cornea. It features a ...

$155.32 20% Off
Berens Keratome 19X3.25mm

Berens Keratome 19X3.25mm

SKU: G18-306

Availability: In Stock

The Berens Keratome is a uniquely designed ophthalmic surgical instrument. It helps eye specialists ...

$155.32 20% Off
Wiener Keratome Angular Long Thin Blade

Wiener Keratome Angular Long Thin Blade

SKU: G18-17

Availability: In Stock

The Wiener Keratome Angular Long Thin Blade is an ophthalmic instrument used to make incisions witho ...

$115.91 20% Off
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