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Heaney Needle Holder is ideal for grasping and driving medium to large suture needles. This tool is commonly used in OB/GYN surgical procedures.
Here are some of the features:
• Curved Serrated Jaws
• Multiple Sizes
• With or Without Tungsten Carbide
• Ratchet Locking Mechanism
• Long Slender Shanks
The curved tip provides a better view of the surgical site. This tool is autoclavable and lightweight.
Heaney Needle Holder is made for holding the needles with a firm grip. This instrument comes in seve ...
Heaney Needle Holder is made for holding the needles firmly. This instrument has a single-spring mec ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).